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Here's a filament holder to show off your maker pride! One side says "Heart of a Maker," and the other side says "Make Your Heart Out." This five-piece model holds a regular 1kg filament spool. Here's the story: As soon as I saw this challenge I was inspired to make a filament holder celebrating makers! The challenge for me was designing one that would print on my Printrbot Play, which has a build dimension of 10x10x13 cm, which is too small to make a two-piece standard-sized filament holder. So I tackled my printer constraints by designing a multi-piece holder with pieces that fit nicely into each other. I designed it in Tinkercad. My design incorporates printability on a small printer and maker swag! The filament holder in the images is blue 1.75mm PLA. Print one 'Heart of a Maker' side and one 'Make Your Heart Out' side. For both, you'll need to have support material enabled everywhere. Make sure to remove the support material with needle-nosed pliers in the cylinder support holes. Print the 'end holder for cylinder.' Print the 'cylinder and end.' Print the 'flat bottom' piece. Time for assembly: you'll need some super glue or other tough adhesive. First, glue the 'end holder for cylinder' into the 'make your heart out' side. Position the 'make your heart out' and 'heart of a maker' sides on the flat bottom piece and glue them in place. You should now have both sides standing up. Finally, load your spool onto the remaining piece, the 'cylinder and end.' lower the spool into place, but do not glue, as you won't be able to remove your filament spool. To change your filament, just lift the spool straight up, change spools, and position back into place. Note: If printing with the Printrbot Play, like I did, make sure you disable the skirt for the two sides so that they fit on the print bed. I set the infill for the whole thing at an average of 10%, with the cylinder piece at 25% for extra strength.

'Make Your Heart Out' Filament Holder
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 09
  • 0 parts
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'Make Your Heart Out' Filament Holder
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)