Add local 3D printing to your website or app
in minutes with the makexyz api
Here's how it works.
Say you want to let your customers order a print of a design on your site, the Dual Sriracha Extruder.
They would click Print, then choose printers to request quotes from; as seen on the right.
They would click Print, then choose printers to request quotes from; as seen on the right.

To implement, add this to the head section of the page
<script src=""></script>
And add this where you want the Print button to be
<span class="makexyz-silk" data-api-key="<YOUR-API-KEY>" data-design-name="<YOUR-DESIGN-NAME>" data-design-url="<YOUR-DESIGN-URL>" data-user-email="<OPTIONAL-USERS-EMAIL>" data-user-lat="<OPTIONAL-USERS-LAT>" data-user-lng="<OPTIONAL-USERS-LNG>"> </span>
YOUR-API-KEY is your app's unique identifier. Email to get your API key
YOUR-DESIGN-NAME is the name of the design the customer wants to print
YOUR-DESIGN-URL is the file URL; where the file is stored; where the design file can be downloaded
OPTIONAL-USERS-EMAIL is an optional field; if you do not pass us the user's email, the user will be asked to enter their email after clicking Print, as seen in the example above.
OPTIONAL-USERS-LAT is an optional field, this along with OPTIONAL-USERS-LNG will be used to automatically find 3D printers near your customer. If you do not pass the LAT and LONG, the API will use your customer's IP to determine nearby 3D printers.
ARE YOU A 3D PRINTER ON MAKEXYZ? Add the makexyz widget to your own site and start accepting inquiries