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Update: This design is now also dowloadable via YouMagine. I wanted to have a piece of Mac OSX (which -in my opinion- is the best-looking operating system) on my desk. I have chosen the paper bin of Mac OSX because it is at first a really good-looking piece of design and represents the philosophy that even a container for waste can look great. Secondly, it was a good chance to enhance my modelling-skills, which are not that good. I used Google SketchUp for modelling and I think that I nearly reached the point where SketchUp was not able anymore to create what I wanted. Anyhow, feel free to print out your own paper bin with that nice design and please post your pictures of them :) I used the following settings for printing: Layer height: 0.12mm Wall thickness: 0.2mm retraction: enabled, only if jumps are bigger than 3mm retraction-speed: 60mm/s speed: 40mm/s nozzle-size: 0.4mm material: PLA. (The big version shown in the last picture was only a test-piece. The quality of the print is not that good...)

Mac OSX paper bin
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Mac OSX paper bin
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)