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I saw this link a few days ago( ) I was going to make it, but then I remembered me making a paper claw a few weeks ago, so instead of making a copy of someone else's design, I made my own! And also their design had gears, it would be hard to cut it out without a laser cutter, because I don't have one. So I used the mechanism from my claw and put it into this business card, and it works, and I suggest if you are going to make it, use a laser cutter, This was kinda hard to do and I had to use wire instead of the disks in it to move.If anyone would like to test this to make sure that the parts work, go right ahead! I also think it could be 3d printed, if someone would like to modify it and test that out!And ignore the pink post-it note, I had my name printed there and I dont want it to be online.Lasercut the pdf, if you want it in a different format, comment below. The circles with the X in them are for aligning the other parts, do not cut that part out.I also made a laid out illustrator file that would help you build it, it is all the layers side by side, you might want to laser cut that file, it might be easier to build.Oh, and you can flattr if you like it :D

Paper Claw Business card
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Paper Claw Business card
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)