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A kissing couple printed using PLA on a Replicator 2 and Makerware. I found a wooden version (see below) and was impressed enough to print a PLA version, with of course, some "non-artistic" variations. I will upload the Sketchup 8 files (.skp) if required for conversion to ABS, just comment if you desire them. A video of the electrical version of the PLA Kissing Couple is here: I have yet to double check the stl files, so they may change. If you find a problem, please comment. What I enjoyed most about this project was the differences between 3D printing and machining. If I was to machine this project using wood or metal, I would waste much material cutting away that which did not look like the various parts. With 3D printing, there is no waste, and only the PLA required to make the various parts is used. The original wooden version link is on the youtube link. Their artistic creativity is amazing. You can build your PLA version to run by hand crank or electric motor. See the instructions for your options.1) Print "Base.stl". 2) You can make your kissing couple to animate either by hand or by an electric motor. If you want to animate using an electric motor, then purchase the motor "6VDC 45 RPM Pinky Finger Sized Gear Motor 1" Long x 15/32" x 3/8"" from either or directly from (this is the same motor I used in the "Marbelvator" design), a coaxial power jack (I used Radio Shack part number 274-1583), and a 6vdc power supply with the appropriate connector to fit the coaxial power jack (I used Radio Shack part number 273-316), and print "Gear Motor.stl". Solder wires to motor plus and minus terminals. Slide motor into "Base.stl". Mount coaxial power jack on "Base.stl". Solder motor wires to the coaxial power jack; plus to "center" pin, and minus to "shell" pin. Finally, press "Gear Motor.stl" onto the motor shaft, paying attention to the flat. 3) Print and assemble the remaining parts as per "Assembly.skp". Build hints: 1) Sand all sides of "Crank.stl". Not too much, just enough such that "Gear Axel.stl" and "Eccentric.stl" slide onto the "Crank.stl" with friction, but not too loose. You don't want "Gear Axel.stl" or "Eccentric.stl" to slide on "Crank.stl" while in operation. If they do slide after assembly, apply a small drop of thick cyanoacrylate once in position. 2) Use a vise, or slip joint pliers (least recommended), to press "Gear Axel.stl" and the 4 "Eccentric.stl" parts on "Crank.stl". Be patient, or you will print more parts. 3) Add a drop of light machine oil inside of the twin guides in "Guide.stl". 4) Roughen the bottoms of "Lift.stl" using 60 to 120 grit sandpaper. 5) Roughen the circumference of each "Eccentric.stl" using 60 to 120 grit sandpaper. I know it's kind of complicated, so If you have any questions, don't hesitate to comment, and I'll do my best to respond. Enjoy!

PLA Kissing Couple
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PLA Kissing Couple
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)