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A not-so-authentic-replica of a 20th century German officer's dagger. When I was modelling this nice piece of history I discovered it had a swastika on it :(. So, I left that part out since the whole purpose of modelling was about the nice design of the dagger and NOT about that particular part of history, let me be just clear about that! ;-) I've never modelled something like this before (certainly not in Zbrush) but I do like how it came out. Hope you like it too!I made the blade twice. The "full" version is de the blade in once piece. The other ones "BladeTop" and "BladeBot" are meant to be printed seperately and joined together (maybe glue it for strenght). I did this so you can go a bit larger if you want. A nice trick to cover up the blade's seam is to make some "ABS glue" yourself (more parts plastic then acetone so it will become thicker and less glue) and fill in the seam with a brush, maybe sand if of aftwards.

German Officer's Dagger
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German Officer's Dagger
Delivery (May 22 - May 24)