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Selector combs are used to move the needles on a knitting machine bed, in order to do certain patterns or stitches. A 1x1 comb is frequently used in casting on, and I made the 2x2 comb to make it easier to set up for 2x2 ribbing.The points on each tooth fit into the needle grooves of the bed, making it easy to line things up.These combs will work on any 5mm machine, which includes the White/Superba double bed machines. Eventually I want to make a script that lets you set the pitch, needle count, and pattern to automatically generate a cut file.Cut out of 1/8 inch acrylic. Use to push needles around!

Needle Selector Combs for 5mm Knitting Machines
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Needle Selector Combs for 5mm Knitting Machines
Delivery (May 21 - May 23)