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If you are like me, you end up with lots of little pieces of filament on your work table. This object allow you to turn a common zip lock bag into a table edge trash bag. Its use is not limited to 3D printing setups, but with all the little scraps you get it is particularly useful. Since it sits under the edge of the table, you don't have to pick up the small pieces of filament, you can just brush them off the table into the bag.You really need to measure your table thickness and use the customizer to get this to work. Put your table thickness in the customizer to get the correct gap size to fit your table. Generate the STL and print out two of them. You don't need much infill since the large parts don't really support any weight. You don't need to mirror them since the wide part is hidden under the table. You probably want to use ABS to get the springiness needed for a good fit on the table edge. If it is out a little to wobbly, decrease the gap a little bit. These print fast with no support needed and don't need much filament so you may want to experiment with the gap to get it to work perfectly. When I printed two I didn't need any cooling. I'm currently using a sandwich bag. I suspect it will work with other size zip top bags depending on your volume needs. When attaching the zip top bag, fold it over so the zipper gets pushed up into the groove. This will create the needed thickness to keep it from sliding out. Put a holder on each end of the bag and slide it onto your table. You can then scrape your waste right into the bag. Look how clean my table is now! I just started using this so I may adjust it as time goes on. It doesn't clamp on super strongly, but it appears to be enough so far. I want the design to be as simple to print as possible with no unprintable parts.

Work Table Trash Bag Holder
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 08
  • 0 parts
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Work Table Trash Bag Holder
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)