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This is a simple pen for the Vodafone 845 (Huawei v845/u8100) that plugs into the auido jack and curls around the edge. It is not finished but worked, the curve needs a little more adjustment.I do not use it anymore as the 3.5 audio plug caused problems (Caller did not hear me as the phone expected a microphone).I did not want to use the USB plug instead as it looked more fragile. But you may can use this as a basic concept (for geocaching dirt protection or another phone)The rounding needs to be adjusted a bit.Print standing or laying, depending on your printer.

Pen-Plug for Vodafone/Huawei 845/u8100
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Pen-Plug for Vodafone/Huawei 845/u8100
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)