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This will be 3D printed near you and delivered to your door by May 09

A termagaunt with a devourer. The gaunt has legs on both sides of the body. Break off one and replace it with the third leg in whatever position you desire to support the model. Prints well with minimal support and with single head printers. Note: Any similarities between this model and any real world product is purely coincidental. I am not affiliated with any gaming company or association in any way. Please support the official product. I'm going to take this opportunity to address some of the mail I've been getting recently. (skip this part if you still have faith in humanity) "Your stls have no detail. 3dprintrs can't even come close to quality pieces. It's really sad you're like one of those kids with the off brand sneakers. you pretend to be cool but everyone knows your poor and just feels sorry for you?" Thank you for your question, as indicated by the "?" mark at the end. Actually, I've been collecting games workshop miniatures since 1991 and have quite the collection (thank you to my wife for putting up with me). The reason I am doing this is because I have always felt that the game itself is more important than the miniatures it's played with. No, you won't be winning any golden demons with these, but that's not the point. I believe that as long as the minis are recognizable the players can enjoy large scale battles no matter the detail level. (there are a surprising number of messages similar to this next one, but it takes the cake for it's contradictory colurfulness) "Thise is shi# u cant make 4 squat. I cn do better with my 8=D" If you feel you can do better then by all means, please do. I have no intention of holding a 40k printable monopoly and invite any of the MANY people that have informed me they can do better to do so. Hell, if you actually contribute to the game I'll print and use the minis myself no matter how few equals signs you have. Seriously people, I get five or six of these a week. Lighten up. If you don't like something on the internet ignore it and it won't bother you. I am not trying to overthrow war gaming. I just think 300pts of gaunts don't need to be the most detailed model (really, they're a swarm. You won't see them in groups smaller than 20 anyway) and don't need to cost $120ca.

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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 09
  • 0 parts
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Delivery (May 08 - May 10)