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A pendulum powered penny weighted giraffe in motion. Slide fore and aft to raise and lower the giraffe. Velcro in your car for an animated traveling companion. Video at: Designed using Sketchup 8 (free version), printed using Makerware ("Standard Settings") and a Replicator 2 (with sailfish firmware) in PLA.See Assembly.skp (requires free version of Sketchup 8) to assemble. I printed the first 1.0mm of "Giraffe Face.stl" in yellow using sailfish stop at z position, then switched to black for the remainder of the print. Uses 5 pennies (US) in the bellcrank bucket as counterweight.

Pendulum Powered Giraffe In Motion
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Pendulum Powered Giraffe In Motion
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)