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My H1 arrived without a belt clamp for y-axis belt. This clamp fit better and fix the belt without high screw pressure.With this design, you can adjust half tooth of belt pression, if you need it, only inverting the position of the clamp.I still added a openscad parametric version of this clamp, it is good change the parameters for different belt sizes.I made it on Google Sketchup. I added the source (H1-belt-clamp-bed.skp) to download if you want to change it. I added the Sketchup Plugin (skp_to_dxf.rb) to you export your model to STL file, and then export to gcode (I have used the slic3r).H1-belt-clamp-bed.stl (export to GCODE)H1-belt-clamp-bed.skp (to edit the model) skp to dxf.rb (export SKP to STL)(Authors: Nathan Bromham, Konrad Shroeder)For OpenSCAD version (h1-belt-clamp-parametric.scad), download the software from, open the file, press F6 to view and generate STL version using option "Export as STL" on "Design" menu.

Belt clamp for H1 plastic bed (original h1 table)
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Belt clamp for H1 plastic bed (original h1 table)
Delivery (May 09 - May 11)