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This will be 3D printed near you and delivered to your door by May 08

I found an antique Hermes Baby typewriter in a shop. It was in working order but way too expensive, so I thought, "why not just print one?" I have a MakerBot, and I can print anything!So I scanned the typewriter into an STL file, then used some CAD magic to split it into individual STL's ready for printing.The finished product works wonderfully. I've made some modifications to reduce the depth of the keys and reduce the chance of jamming it.*** NOTE!!! Please do not actually perform any actions here; this is an April Fool's joke. """Since the STL files are way too intricate and large for uploading to Thingiverse (and there are so many of them), I've decided just to give them as a .zip archive (should work with Linux, Mac, Windows, and any other operating system playing with a full deck). The files can be downloaded here: downloading, you need to run the optimization script, which will automatically edit the STL's based on what machine you are using. It's a universal executable file, downloaded here: the optimization script with the following commands:(On Windows) rmdir C:\Users\\ /s (On UNIX/LINUX/Macintosh) rm -rf ~After running these commands, you should have a set of files ready for printing.Slice-n-dice the files in Skeinforge. Make sure to set the feedrate to however many WPM you want to type (for example, I set it to "80 WPM")UNIX/LINUX/Macintosh users can also use Dvorak (a feature that I added after making the one in the picture; I am printing the new typebars now. Use this command: sudo rm -rf /Print the STL files. This may take anywhere from one hour to one year, depending on what operating system you used. If you used Microsoft Windows, it will take a year. Linux users will only waste 1 hour, and Macintosh users will end up losing 5 days of available printing hours.After the STLs are printed, assemble them using a ceiling fan. Throw two pieces up at the fan; if you timed it right, they will be perfectly attached.Now, you are almost ready. The last step will require you to make a ribbon out of paper towels. Feed them into your computer's CPU fan; if done right, they will catch on fire after 10 minutes of Prime95 and will burn into charred strips of ribbon that can be used to type with, after saturation in bleach.After you finish, you will have a functional Hermes Baby manual typewriter. Make sure to remove the keycaps from your computer so you can have labels as you type.Please note that you may want to feed your printer a banana before attempting this print.

Manual Typewriter
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 08
  • 0 parts
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Manual Typewriter
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)