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Update May 20, 2012: Uploaded a new X-Carriage Endstop holder that is designed to attach and give clearance with the triangle frame at the very top.Update May 13, 2012: Added a new X-Carriage version that requires no support. It assumes you can bridge well and requires you to cut excess material at the end. Note: I have not actually printed it as of yet, so I can't be sure it all works properly.Update May 12, 2012: Here is a video of me printing the Pink Panther Woman at full size (147.535mm tall). My original build area was about 80mm, I came across a print that required more height so I decided to try and design my own modification that would give it to me. Looking at my printer, I noticed a few areas that could possibly be improved, so I went to work! My new and improved build height is now 150mm!Problems and Solutions:Problem 01: The rear mounted X axis belt collided with the threaded rod on the triangle frame vertex assembly. This resulted in a clearance issue when raising the nozzle. To fix this, I had to consider a new location to mount the belt. I chose to utilize the space just underneath the X track rods as that space is already used by the extruder nozzle.Problem 02: A good amount of rod space on the Z axis ends up being un-used. The motor mount blocks the Z axis from going beyond the two threaded rods on the top of the printer. To fix this, I extended the upper frame vertex piece so that it raised the two top rods a good distance. This in turn also raised the Z axis rods so I also extended to lower Z bar clamps to compensate. This worked because the space taken up by the lower clamps was previously un-used rod space anyway.Problem 03: My current extruder mount caused a clearance issue because the side mounted motor would go underneath the upper frame vertex. Since my new vertex still blocks this, a new extruder mount was required. To fix this, I designed a derivitive extruder mount that was essentially the same as the one I was using except the motor protrudes from the rear instead. Since I previously moved the X axis belt, there was no issue with the motor colliding with it. You can find this derivitive here: of Materials: 2x: Loches_Upper-Frame-Vertex.stl 1x: Loches_Lower-Z-Bar-Clamp-Left.stl 1x: Loches_Lower-Z-Bar-Clamp-Right.stl 1x: Loches_X-Carriage.stl or Loches_X-Carriage_NoSupport.stl 1x: Loches_X-End-Idler Bushing.stl 1x: Loches_X-End-Motor Bushing.stl 4x: Loches_X-Track-Bar-Clamp.stl 1x: Loches_X-Track-Endstop-Holder.stl Various nuts and bolts, mostly re-used from the original setup. Various vitamins re-used from the original setup.Steps:Please provide any questions and comments you may have here, I will try and keep my eye on this thread so as not to miss anything. If you decide to build this upgrade, please share your thoughts! Any improvements on this will be much appreciated! Thank you!

Loches Z Axis Upgrade for MakerGear Prusa Mendel
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 10
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Loches Z Axis Upgrade for MakerGear Prusa Mendel
Delivery (May 09 - May 11)