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This is an update of a very old two player game known variously as Hare and Hounds, the French Military Game and several other names. There's more information on the pieces at and on the game itself at I first came across hare and hounds when reading through Martin Gardner's Mathematical Games column in an old copy of Scientific American. If you play it you'll find there's a lot more strategy to it than first meets the eye. Try an on-line version here : I've also done a full write-up on Instructables : object of the game for the Human is to to try to escape to the far end of the board. The aim for the Zombies is to surround the human so he can't move. The starting position is shown in the 3rd picture. The Zombies move first and can only move one space forwards (including diagonally) or sideways along the pathways - Never backwards. The Human can move one space in any direction along the paths. If a set of moves is continually repeated the Zombies tire and the Human escapes. Alternatively, you could use the middle of the board for simple 3x3 noughts and crosses (tic-tac-toe) type games, or make a lot of the game-pieces and leave them to be found, just to baffle people. (This game could be played on a board drawn on a piece of paper and four counters, but heyyyy . . . I've got a 3-D printer ;-)

Zombie Apocalypse - A new take on an old game.
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 09
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Zombie Apocalypse - A new take on an old game.
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)