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Motorized version of Geared Heart, Hand Crank Edition which is here: Video at Study "Assembly.skp". Obtain the following parts: 1) "6VDC 45 RPM Pinky Finger Sized Gear Motor 1" Long x 15/32" x 3/8"" from either or directly from Other sources are available, I've not tested them though. 2) Coaxial Power Jack - Radio Shack part number 274-1583. 3) 3 Vdc Power Supply - Radio Shack part number 273-315. 4) 22 gauge wire. Print emmett's geared heart "HeartGears2-3.stl". The bottom and center pieces are not used, nor is one of the clips, so if you can edit the .stl file and delete these components, you can save print time and PLA. Print "Heart Center.stl", then using emmett's instructions, assemble the heart onto "Heart Center.stl" noting again that the bottom piece and clip are not used. Print the remaining parts and assemble as per "Assembly.skp". Note I printed "Heart Base.stl" in white for the first 4mm height to match the color of "Base.stl", then switched to red for the remainder of the print. If you use Sailfish firmware on your Replicator 2, you can program the printer to pause at 4.2mm while the print is in progress and allow a change in filament color. Hope you like it.

Geared Heart, Motorized Edition
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Geared Heart, Motorized Edition
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)