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Made the hand much smaller and put it on top of a duplo-compatible 2x2 block. Update: There are three versions: (1) hand is a bit embedded in a Duplo-compatible block, (2) hand sits on top of a Duplo compatible block. Also added a 2x2 Duplo block. (3) A Lego-compatible version.I find it a nice object for testing g-code generators for the RapMan (skeinforge and Netfab engine for RapMan). The code must deal with an overhang and small fingers. Of course, can be used to play with any other software/3D printer combo. See for this.Additional credits: Domonoky ( ).If you want to create your own, get a Duplo-compatible block, e.g. take the one attached or make it from my doblo factory ( ) Then get the original hand, make it smaller, position/merge the two. E.g. with OpenScad or with Netfabb Studio/Meshlab, or with Netfabb pro.Print parameters for the DUPLO compatible blocks (doblo) you can see in the picture with only two yellow hands (skeinforge to the left, Netfabb to the right). These are better quality, removing the strings was easy. Netfabb can (not yet) deal well with the large overhang in the DUPLO floor.Filament: PLA translucid yellow from BFBNetfabb engine for RapMan:SkeinforgePrint parameters for the Duplo-compatible red hand in the first picturePLA Skeinforge Print parameter variations for the Lego-compatible block (lugo-handx.stl). This one is tough to print. Hand comes out not to bad. I am less happy with the Lego 2x2 brick.For better quality, speed/flow rate should be lower.

Hand on duplo-compatible block
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Hand on duplo-compatible block
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)