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Loading (ABS) Clip will weaken at temps of 90C and start yielding around 100C. Do not use for suspending large flasks or large assemblies if they'll be exposed to temps in that range. I recommend printing with about 75% infill and 4-5 layer surface. When printed solid, some of the connecting loops are prone to cracking at the apex and eventually splitting. 24/40 Keck Clip: 19/22 Keck Clip: recommend printing with about 75% infill and 4-5 layer surface. When printed solid, some of the connecting loops are prone to cracking at the apex and eventually splitting. I believe having less than solid infill allows the loops to distribute the flexing forces more evenly rather than concentrating at the crest. I haven't noticed any decrease in strength compared to the solid prints, and now that the loops are bigger, these clips actually hold joints together a bit tighter than my real Keck clips.

14/20 Keck Clip - ST/NS Glassware Taper Joint Clip
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14/20 Keck Clip - ST/NS Glassware Taper Joint Clip
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)