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This mask has been worn by thousands of people each silently experiencing an intense interactive play put on in the bowels of Manhattan's McKittrick Hotel. The once abandoned building has been elaborately refurbished to play out an extensive interwoven drama through multiple floors. You, as the masked audience, chase characters as they bound down the stairs intent on murder, or watch from the shadows as they lock in passion or mortal combat.I went to see this spectacle at the behest of just about everybody I know and feel it was well worth the hype. I thought sharing the souvenir I took back from the experience with you would encourage you to go out and make some theatrical mischief of your own.You can see more of my work on and my store at http://sleekanddestroy.comThis mask was designed by Punchdrunk and they retain its rights. Feel free to copy, remix, play and share. If you sell replicas, you're a bad person and Odin will poop in your shoes.I've provided a single surface obj and a solid stl with a small wall thickness. I'd recommend fiddling with this one in MeshMixer, adding it to your printed bobblehead, and seeing if you can get a full size one to successfully print out of your Replicator.

Sleep No More Mask
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Sleep No More Mask
Delivery (May 09 - May 11)