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EDIT 7-24-2016 So I've gotten a lot of emails over the last two years from people who suffer from hand tremors or know close friends/family that do and would like to see updates for this design. I have news... sorta, in an engineering course I worked with a group of several students to improve this design and make it manufacturable. the improved design is more stable from a physics standpoint but doesn't use any 3D printed parts. I am working to adapt the design to a printable form factor and publish it online for all to use.So these were created for a science fair project I did with the objective to try to develop several different types of drinking cups for people with parkinsons or suffer from a severe intention tremor. My grandfather, who has a severe intention tremor, burned himself trying to drink coffee one day and thats what inspired me to create these cups. I only had my printer for a month before the fair, so I did not get to develop these as much as I had hoped to. In a later version there may be orientation locks, turning limits (so you can actually drink from it), and more standardized weights. Heres the catch, If I hear that any one of you makermen and women think that this is a great idea, and say so in the comments, then I will complete my designs for these cups more proactively. In the axis series I have developed two designs which, like the double gimbaled root beer holder by EricYoung (see remixed), use a twisting handle on a frame that pivots on an axis that goes thru the cup. both designs are incomplete. the first cup is a simple frame design with the central axis located above the center of the cup. 3 bearings are used the second cup is a bearing track design. This used 7 bearings. -The handle design is based on the "Hand steady" cup ( which allows a person to hold the apperatus in several differnt ways to reduce pottenial strain and twisting. When I finish the design there will be a turning limit with will allow the cup to rotate with the handle past a certain degree. Alternatively, on either design I may create a button, similar to EricYoung's design, that allows the cup to lock itself into place, except this will lock it into ANY orientation (particularly for the bearing track design) My fluid series: The bearings: 5mm thick, 8mm inner diameter 16mm outer diameter Other things: superglue, duck tape, sandpaper, hot glue (easier to remove) I printed with PLA .4 fill 3 layers, everywhere .2 think If you are considering using these products then I recommend 4 layers on top solid infil every few layers <.2 thinkness and vapor polish it

Experimental Anti-Hand Tremor Cups (axis series: 2 designs)
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Experimental Anti-Hand Tremor Cups (axis series: 2 designs)
Delivery (May 09 - May 11)