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UPDATE: Download the 07APR2014 .stl with improved tweaks (see below) (iPhone 5 w/Otterbox stand + Voronoi Yoda) + (headphone + power cable) = Super Efficient phone stand Art! EDIT: 07APR2014 - I have made a slot down the middle of the back for a cleaner look that act as a canal for the cables and is more visually appealing than the cables hanging out the side, also extended the area where the cables hang below the phone to make sure that it should fit nearly all headphones now. I also removed 99% of the side arms so that you can use the phone horizontally if you wish now... you know for youtube and stuff.. Hope you enjoy the new tweaks! I'd like to just design a whole phone stand with only the Voronoi (and I'll may try to approach Dizingof in the future about this). There is enough space for you to set your phone with your headphones and power cable plugged in, in there.. It shoudln't be tight at all with the new tweaks... I loved the iPhone w/Otterbox Defender stand from DDStarkey, but it was missing something that I really wanted... and I really love the Yoda Voronoi from the awesome Dizingof ( If you haven't already checked out his new site go there now!: ) so much that I had to (try) and put them together and customize them a little too! Hope you enjoy it, and thanks to DDStarkey and Dizingof for their awesome work on these two great items!MAKE SURE YOU CHECK/PREVIEW YOUR GCODE BEFORE PRINTING!!!!!! or you may waste about 4 hours of printing and filament just to find out there is a huge section missing :-( Please load it up in your printer interface and double check the Gcode all the way through to make sure your sliced version is good to go... It is pretty hard to slice, but I ran this file through netfabb after several attempts and clicking all the "fixing" buttons on there and got a decent version.

Phonoroi v1.5 - iPhone 5S w/Otterbox stand
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Phonoroi v1.5 - iPhone 5S w/Otterbox stand
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)