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With Passover approaching, my wife (who is a rabbi) challenged me to create a vertical seder plate. I ended up designing a seven piece assembly that holds the traditional seder plate liners. OpenSCAD came to the rescue as the tolerances on the pieces was critical for it to be stable. I have included the source if you want to tweak the design. The arms can be rotated independently in order to fit the items as needed. Note: Seder plate liners are available in plastic and glass (with lettering) from a number of sources. Just Google "seder plate liners" and you'll be set. Update 1: I added a larger base that also has thinner spokes. Update 2: It worked nicely for two seders. One advantage to the Vertical Seder Plate is everyone could see the items versus a regular plate that lays flat on the table. Update 3 (April 2, 2015): Stratasys selected this design for their Passover e-card. Update 4 (April 5, 2015): Feature article on used the following settings on my MakerBot Replicator2 to print the pieces. I didn't use a raft and support is not needed. Infill = 10% Layer Height = 0.200 Shells = 1 Feedrate = 40 Travel Feed = 55 Temperature = 220 You will need to print one base, one arm_top and five arms in order to make the complete Seder Tree. Note for OpenSCAD users: There is one file for both the arm and arm_top. Just change the variable "top" depending on what you want to print.

Vertical Seder Plate
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Vertical Seder Plate
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)