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This is a 2'x2' platform designed to represent the "Enlarge Person" spell found in many tabletop roleplaying games. It includes a hollow for the miniature as well as compatibility with my "stackable effect square" design, making it easy to see and easy to move.This thing was designed in Sketchup and converted to a stereo-lithography file using a third-party plugin, so the geometry is likely imperfect. I printed it in PLA using a 0.2 mm layer height on a Printrbot LC, then painted it with a single coat of primer and a coat of green paint. Be careful with the inner ridges, as they are the most fragile part of the design and can bend or warp if roughly used. Effect squares should fit loosely on top of the platform after the paint (optional) has been applied.

Enlarge Person Platform
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Enlarge Person Platform
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)