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My mom is a first grade school teacher and among other prints that I am making for her classroom, I wanted to create a nice 3D printed apple that she can display on her desk. This was my first stint with Openscad. Being much more familiar with Solidworks, NX, PROE and the like this was quite the new experience and was a fun project to dip my toes into tweaking bits here and there. . Many thanks to whpthomas for his PLA gear kit. Also while playing with OpenScad and this project, emmett's , specifically the heartgears.scad file and GregFrost's, were both quite helpful. ***Due to the requirement to have an .stl file uploaded instead of just zipped file, I uploaded my original apple stl as well as the stem. NOTE that the apple is oriented at an odd angle as that was the angle I wanted whpthomas's script to slice the apple up into gears.

Apple Gears
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Apple Gears
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)