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Mars Rover. Here is a new Mars Rover design created from OOML (Oriented-Object Mechanical Library). A very easy way to develop prototypes!This design uses a double printed bearing and two springs. Also, it is ready to be controlled by an Arduino UNO or a SkyMega microcontroller, with a place for the battery. This Mars Rover uses Futaba S3003 servos and a Bluetooth module. All these components are important because of the shape of the parts; however, you can modify it and buy your own prototype. With OOML tool modification of design is very simple!Oriented-Object Mechanical Library is a new mechanical design tool, based on C++, which makes it easier for users to share designs, besides acquiring the power of this language.Whether you know C++ programming or not, I encourage you to test it. Take a look at attach the OOML, OpenSCAD and STL files, besides the Autocad planes. The OpenSCAD files are results of compiling the OOML file, so these codes are uncommented.You can see a video of the prototype in the next link: Mars Rover has been designed by:Alberto Valero: Almagro: modify any part, you should download and install OOML tool from this link: build the original Mars Rover prototype you should follow the steps:1- Print all parts. Some parts need to be printed two or three times. There are three parts of each wheel design, and there are two parts of the 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 designs.2- Attach the second and third parts to the first part by using the side holes.3- Attach the fourth part to the first part through top holes.4- Attach the seventh part to the sixth part, and this last part to fourth part.5- Introduce the eleventh part in the central hole of the first part; attach the eleventh part to the twelfth part; and this to the thirteenth part.6- Finally, set the servos and set the last part on the top of the last servo. This will be the spring support.7- In addition, use the fifteenth and sixteenth parts to control the angle of inclination of the base.

New Mars Rover using the new tool OOML!!
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 09
  • 0 parts
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New Mars Rover using the new tool OOML!!
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)