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Most fuel bowser nozzles in Australian cities have the pins removed these days which means you can't use the nozzle lock. The nozzle lock means you don't have to hold the handle the entire time your car is filling. If the pins are installed and you use the lock, the sensing tube still cuts out the fuel when it's full; it means you don't need to hold the handle the entire time you're refilling. Which can feel like an eternity when you have 150 litres to pump into dual tanks using the world's slowest pump (the ones I usually seem to get, although I do look out for the high-flow diesel pumps).You can carry around a 50x2.8mm Bullet Head or Flat Head Nail, but that doesn't fit on your keyring very well. So I drew up this design.I do wonder why they don't have the pins installed in most nozzles. Perhaps they want to force people to hold the nozzle just in case it falls out and fuel spills everywhere. Or perhaps it's to keep people within arms reach of the nozzle in case of emergency rather than off washing their windows while filling. I'm not sure, but I'm not too concerned about explosions (if that's their reasoning) as diesel's flash point is a lot higher than petrol and I usually use diesel. The occasional fuel station has the pins installed, so I'm guessing it's not regulated that they must be removed.Whatever the reason, use at own risk!Print it out and slip it on your keyring.Next time you fill up with fuel, insert the pins into the lower holes on the handle of the nozzle. Push the spring loaded locking clip over your pins and you won't have to hold the handle while filling. It will cut out when full automatically.

Fuel Nozzle Pins
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 07
  • 0 parts
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Fuel Nozzle Pins
Delivery (May 06 - May 08)