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Happy Shopping Cart Coin Holder For most shopping carts at the supermarket you need a coin to unlock the shopping cart. There are a lot of replacement coins with holders that can be attached to your keyring. So here is another one, happy to hold your coin until you need it. Have fun! Chris Credits: The design was developed in FreeCAD. Thank you for making such a powerful software available to the public! The holder can be printed without support, when oriented with the closed upside of the 'smiling face' downwards to the printbed. I printed the holder in about 20 minutes with 50mm/s, 0.1mm layer height in PLA and the coin can be printed in about 5-10 minutes with the same settings. So the print is already sucessfully tested.

Happy Shopping Cart Coin Holder
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Happy Shopping Cart Coin Holder
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)