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Sign says "Warning: Reflections in this mirror may be distorted by socially constructed ideas of 'beauty' " Everyone is different shapes and sizes, so why are we made to feel so bad about the way we look? If you think about it, the definition of normal is a spectrum, not an exact mould of how we should look. I personally have a healthy weight for my height as defined by the BMI, but I'm not shaped like Brad Pitt. Should I be? Who really cares anyway right? You are uniquely you. So why not love yourself and all that entails :) This small sign is easy to print, and I have mine on my bathroom mirror for all to see :)Step 1: Print without raft or support. Step 2: Paint or do whatever you want to it. Step 3: Blue Tack to mirror. Step 4: Remember to love your body, you are uniquely you :)

Body Positive mirror sign by LeHof
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Body Positive mirror sign by LeHof
Delivery (May 05 - May 07)