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Alright fellow my fellow maniacs of the mocha, lords of the latte, and duchesses of the decaf. It's that time of year again.This is a Coffee Cup Christmas Ornament. I saw something like these last year from Starbucks and thought they were cool looking. I improved on the design by printing the cup out of PLA, recycling a coffee sleeve for the sleeve, and using hemp twine to make the loop, thus making the whole thing relatively eco-friendly. The whole thing is biodegradable. How cool is that?So here you are let me know what you think.Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good cup of joe.Print the Coffee Cup Ornament using PLA. (I thought the white looked stylish){INFORMATIONAL NOTE: I tried to create the Sleeve Cutting Stencil using calculations to determine the frustum dimensions, but that didn't work so the stencil is purely empirical. If someone wants to figure out how to do it in a more scientific minded way I included the calculator I was using.) Find a used Coffee Cup Sleeve and pull it apart.Trace the inside shape of the Sleeve Cutting Stencil on the cardboard, and cut out the pattern.Connect the two ends of the Cut out Sleeve using Elmer's Glue. (or equivalent Bio-degradable adhesive) Glue with the small necked down section of the cardboard positioned under the full flat end of the other side of the sleeve,and let dry.Apply a good film of glue to the middle of the Coffee Cup and slide the dried Sleeve securely over the Coffee Cup and allow to dry.Cut a length of hemp twine to loop through the two through holes in the body, and knot to a desired length.

Eco-Friendly Coffee Cup Christmas Ornament
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 12
  • 0 parts
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Eco-Friendly Coffee Cup Christmas Ornament
Delivery (May 11 - May 13)