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Old-fashioned Lincoln Logs, for when you just need one more piece, or when your dog ate part of that old set. Dimensions match those of a set dating back to the eighties, at least.The newer generation of Lincoln Log-cabin builders have it soft. In my day, the cabins were made of round logs, and were drafty, and we liked it! We didn't have these new-fangled, flat-bottomed logs that are all-together too easy to stack. We only had a few of the specialized, flat-bottomed foundation logs, and did we complain? (much?)Kids today, I tell ya.Now with roof support!I printed mine in PLA with a 0.5mm nozzle, a 0.2mm layer height, and 30% hexagonal infill. They're hella-tough.You can use the included openscad file to make logs with an arbitrary number of notches. Just type lincolnlog(n), where n is the desired number of notches. While the bottoms of these logs are round, the sides are flat, to make it easier to print them. You can make the top side of the printed logs round by setting the 'flatTop' variable in the openscad file to anything but 1. I like the symmetry, myself.Since the bottoms of these logs are round, us kids used to have only a few 'base' logs, which were essentially just half of a full log, with which to lay our foundations. We never had enough of them, so print some more! Use baselincolnlog(n), where n is the desired number of notches, to get those.Roof pieces: You need two kinds of pieces to hold up the roof. Triangular frames for the shingles to sit on, and extended rafter pieces to keep them from slipping off (no nails in Lincoln Log town). The rafters are fully parametric: rafterlincolnlog(n) will generate an n-notch rafter-log. The triangular pieces aren't so much. They're two-notch only: rooftrianglelincolnlog()The trick to making the roof triangles fully parametric will be to ensure that the length of the sloping portion is an integer number of shingle-widths, less the overhang between the triangle and the rafter.

Old School Lincoln Logs
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 09
  • 0 parts
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Old School Lincoln Logs
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)