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Here is "InMoov", the robot you can print and animate. You have a 3D printer, some building skills, This project is for you!! Don't be scared or intimidated, I started this a few months ago and didn't even know what was Arduino or a servo motor! Start with printing the hand like I did, and go on the rest if you feel. Well it's been a long journey creating this shoulder, I have gone through quite many prints for to finally release it. Blog with more info and instructions: These videos aren't all actual, I have modified some parts in between: IS A WORK IN PROGRESS FILES MIGHT STILL CHANGE. Follow the step by step assembly instructions on (writing on progress, be patient) You will need to print parts of the torso for to complete the assembly. (not included here, see: Torso for Robot InMoov) All parts are designed to fit on a 12x12cm print bed, just like the hand. I have printed all parts in ABS. With 0.5mm thickness for most parts. Also most parts have an infill of 30%. Except "PistonBaseV4", "PivwormV1", "PistonClaviV2" were printed at 0.4mm with a 100% infill. "PivwormV1" and "ServoHolsterV2" are the only parts printed with support. Remove prebuild support under "PistonBaseV4" after printing. Most parts are the same for the left and right shoulder. The parts named "leftXXXX" are for the left shoulder, easy to figure out... Print one of each part. Print two PivconnectorV1 per shoulder You also need 2 Hitec HS-805BB servo. A little bit of cables to extract the potentiometers of the servos. Update 02/03/13 Modified "PivGearV2" to "PivGearV3" teeth are now a bit smaller, avoiding the risk of touching the innercasing. Also modified "PivWormV1" to "PivWormV2", I rounded up the entrance of the worm, for better printing finish. Thanks to Brian for the suggestions. Update 07/07/14 Modified "PivGearV3" to "PivGearV4" teeth are now angled, and the cylinder has smooth external surface. There is openings to run cables within the gear. Update 21/10/14 PistonClaviV2 to PistonClaviV3, and PistonBaseV4 to PistonBaseV6. This is to reinforce the diameter and resistance.

Shoulder for Robot InMoov
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Shoulder for Robot InMoov
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)