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How can you refuse to eat your vegetables when they’re presented on such a fun and colorful placemat? Wait, these colors don't do it for you? Design your own color patterns, whether wild or refined. Carefully fold up your mat for easy storage. This design was developed using FlexMesh.This has been printed in ABS using both the Makerbot and Simplify3D slicers with a layer height of 0.2mm, 2 shells and a 20% infill. Some filaments produce more flexible and durable joints than others. The names of the STL files for this design use spreadsheet cell naming conventions to refer to each object’s position in the assembled mat. As many as 12 unique mat objects are used in the creation of a placemat. Use multiple center mat objects to create a placemat consisting of more than 3 mats in any dimension. Each separate mat object has a different combination of shapes on its borders depending on whether a side is an outer border or “main" or “sub” shape that will be connected to a complimentary shape of an adjoining mat object using pegs.

FlexMesh 1.0 Flexible Placemat
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FlexMesh 1.0 Flexible Placemat
Delivery (May 06 - May 08)