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This set of brackets is a replacement for the Bukito stock Idler pulley brackets for the X and Y axis. There are two styles. One with the shield and one without the shield.These can also be used for general purpose projects using with the OpenBuild V-Slot rail sets as well with Synchromesh cables. My original laser cut acrylic stock brackets broke at the end due to over torquing of the t-nut. I've included a picture of the broken stock bracket. Because I do allot of rugged traveling I wanted to beef up the brackets up a bit more than most would really need. This includes thickening it up a bit, adding more contact surface, and adding an impact shield. These are designed to fit perfectly into OpenBuild V Slot rail with no lateral movement at all. These are labeled as A:MAIN and B:MIRROR. A:MAIN is the original piece where B:MIRROR is the the mirror opposite of the A:MAIN. This gives you flexibility in configuring your project by allowing you to pair them up opposite each other on a rail. This can make them much stronger than a single bracket alone. I've included the Sketchup ver.8 files as well. The Bukito was a Kickstarter project by Deezmaker to make a very tiny and portable 3D Printer that you can take anywhere!I recommend printing these with at least 65% or more infill to ensure it has sufficient strength laterally. You can use all the original parts from the original stock bracket. A tip when assembling you may tighten up the nuts that hold the bearings of the idler pulley last. This will allow you to do fine micro adjustments to the bearing height before tightening. I've included Sketchup files as well.

Bukito Idler Pulley Bracket / Synchromesh (fits OpenBuild V Slot Rails)
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 09
  • 0 parts
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Bukito Idler Pulley Bracket / Synchromesh (fits OpenBuild V Slot Rails)
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)