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Our host site has carefully concealed the cup feeder part over on the other side, thingiview rotate to unhide. Make sure to see the instructions tab or else your print will be a 2kg door stop! There is some minor post processing to do. This creation is a storage container with holes only at the bottom. Fill it with water, using a tube from your tap if necessary and then gently tip it pointy side up and place for your pets to drink from. I will be doing a version of this using less plastic, but I like the aesthetics of it. Probably best to print in clear PLA and leave out of the direct sun else your pet will get warm water and evaporation may push some water out.I made a very robust print using two outside layers of 0.8 nozzle diameter setting, The nozzle setting should be greater than your actual nozzle orifice diameter for maximum adhesion! Don't worry, your slicing program will adapt and make the tracks further apart. 4 top layers and 4 bottom layers. There cannot be any leaks or it won't work. Use a layer height of 0.25 DON'T USE ANY FILL!! The main component is created as a solid, this allows you to have very good control over thickness because you can specify number of layers and the printer won't dawdle with small fills and retraction moves. The cup part sticking out from the base is set as a thick shell to ensure shape and printing. If you try to do a mini of this, keep an eye on your wall thickness for the cup part and ensure it's thicker than your nozzle diameter setting. Check that the cup is forming correctly before leaving it unattended. Make sure vase setting is OFF or it may override your top layer setting and make a hole on top like my one. I simply got some spare PLA scrap layers, heat gun melted the surface and joined it to the top. Then I clipped around the sides, heated the messy bits and smoothed them into the main body. You will have to manually melt, dremmel or drill out a couple of holes of about 8mm diameter inside the cup into the main storage body of the feeder to allow water to be piped into it. if drilling, use a blunt drill bit so it doesn't catch. Dremmeling or melting is safest though! Once filled up, simply rock it forwards. Mine doesn't leak any water after filling while rotating to upright. Because the water rises to cover the holes, no air can get in and atmospheric air pressure keeps the water balanced inside. If you get any leaking of water, check the holes are under the level of the cup! (Duh) You can fill any obvious defects by running your extruder on very slow manually, any invisible defects, spray coat with polyurethane to wick in to any voids, dry and retry.

Pet water feeder. READ instructions carefully.
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 07
  • 0 parts
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Pet water feeder. READ instructions carefully.
Delivery (May 06 - May 08)