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When printing raftless it can be helpful to add a bounding box type extrusion on the first layer of the print, kind of like nophead uses (see ). This outline gives the extruder some extra time to begin extruding properly before beginning your object, and so you get an early verification of where your object will sit on the platform. Being a plugin you can turn the outline on and off as part of your usual skeinforge profiles.There are several versions available, depending on which version of skeinforge you use. Choose the version where NN is the next lowest version below your skeinforge version.Rename it to and read the documentation at the top of the file in terms of where to put the file and how to make skeinforge insert it into the chain of modules that gets invoked.I currently use it with makerbot type gcode -- apparently installing it before the "dimension" plugin will enable it to work with 5D gcode. Let me know (lenbok at if there isn't one that works with the latest version of skeinforge and I can update it (or send me your version if you update it yourself and I'll put it here).Maybe Enrique will put this functionality into a future version of skeinforge!Update 2010-11-30: Added version for skeinforge-31. Added Zaggo's version, and incorporated his parseInitialization method into the other versions (prevent the tool running twice, not sure when this would happen). Update 2010-12-23: Added version for skeinforge-37 (only a minor compatibility change)Update 2011-03-09: Skeinforge 40 now includes pretty much equivalent functionality in the "skirt" plugin.

outline plugin for skeinforge
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 09
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outline plugin for skeinforge
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)