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This is a case I designed using MOI3D for the Raspberry Pi Model B+. I made this for use with OctoPrint (the R-Pi version is called OctoPi) so hence the ventilation slots in the shape of (my own) OctoPi logo. I should mention that there is no opening for the GPIO slots on the Pi. This is because I didn't need them and I wanted to maintain clean lines. It should be pretty easy to add these using the MOI file if you wish. Note, if you print this then, when you assemble it with the Pi, remove the SD card first. I speak from experience here, as it's possible to bend (and damage) the SD as you are inserting the Pi into the case.I've printed this at 0.15 and 0.3 on a PrintrBot Simple Metal in both PLA and ABS without any support. Actually, I was rather surprised that the power and SD cutouts print fine with the bridge across the opening and no support. I've included separate STL files for the bottom and the lid of the case. You'll have to turn the lid upside down to print. Also one of the lids includes my own OctoPi logo but, if you don't want that, I've also included another without this cutout made in it. If you choose this option, you might want to add your own ventilation slots though (I'm not sure how hot the R-Pi typically runs). If anyone out there has MOI 3D (recommended), I've uploaded the 3DM file so you can play with the design. You'll notice that there are several separate components in there that need to be blended to form the final STL exports. This means you can choose to add or omit the clips, the logo and even some bevels (that aren't in the models uploaded here). NB: Don't try and print the FULL STL file; it's only there to show what the case looks like assembled.

Raspberry Pi B+ Case (for OctoPrint)
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Raspberry Pi B+ Case (for OctoPrint)
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)