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180+ degree rotational wrist mod for Anar's Solid CAD InMoov ForearmI'll add more detailed instructions later... rotawrist2_180 replaces Anar's rotawrist2 file, the rest are new. Print out: for sensorkeyV2, you have two options, this is a really really small part. Drill out the sensorbracket with a 5/16 bit. the trimmer pot must slide freely for calibration. The cross feature of sensorkey must fit snugly, but not forcefully in the trimmer pot. trim and file to suit. The sensorkey must fit with a bit of play in it. maybe 0.1ish mm per side. it must be able to settle in a bit to mate with the trimmer pot. Disassemble the servo, and attach the external pot in a manner similar to that used for the inmoov bicep, shoulder etc. Assemble rotawrist2: 2014-10-25 - updated wristgears_sensor to v2, beefed up the gear horn to it prints better

InMoov 180 degree rotational wrist mod for Anar's Solid CAD Forearm
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InMoov 180 degree rotational wrist mod for Anar's Solid CAD Forearm
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)