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Bisagra con su pasador a presion (no ha sido probado) Tras imprimir por fin este diseño (a la escala original) me encontre que el pasador no me salia bien , la Bisagra se imprimio correctamente, pero se me costo mucho despegar las dos partes, tanto que se rompio :( Frustrado he creado un modelo mejorado y funcional 100%. ......................................................................................................... Hinge pin with pressure (not been tested) After finally print this design (the original scale) I found the pin I did not come out right, the hinge was printed correctly, but it cost me a lot off both sides, so that it broke :( Frustrated I created an improved, 100% functional model.

Bisagra con pasador de click / Hinge pin with pressure
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Bisagra con pasador de click / Hinge pin with pressure
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)