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Print your own house or padlock key with this easy to use key generatorWarning! - this is for printing a PLASTIC key. This key is optimized for printing at 0.30mm layers, and is only 7 layers thick!!! Although it works fine - it is plastic - and can / will break off if you are not careful! With that in mind, you simply need to enter in an appropriate code for your key, and select the style of key you want to print. You may want to have a nail file on hand, to remove any extra bits of plastic first. Leave the code number blank, to generate a random key. I would love to see copies that anyone prints - however - BEWARE - you might not want to post a working copy of your house key - someone else might print one too!If you hold the key in your left hand, with the blade pointing to the right, the KeyCutCode reads from left to right. 0 for no cut up to 9 for a maximum cut. You can switch to the 'top' view in 'customizer', and hold your key in front of the screen while you adjust the values. It may take a couple of prints to find just the right match, fortunately it doesn't take long to print, and doesn't use up a whole lot of your filament. You might want to print your first try using the 'straight' key header, to save even more time / filament!

Customizable House / Padlock Key
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Customizable House / Padlock Key
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)