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This program creates an array of rock-climbing holds to be 3D printed. The resulting holds are designed to be secured with a bolt and washer into a (presumably wood) rock-climbing wall. The size, shape, bore width, countersink width, and difficulty are all customizable. There are also 3 output modes: Holds - ready to be printed with 100% infill Molds - To be made out of a flexible material like silicone, and then filled with resin. *Tray - To be printed wiht low infill, roll-poured with silicone to make a mold, and then put resin in the silicone mold to make the holds.Instructions: This program creates an array of rock-climbing holds to be 3D printed. The resulting holds are designed to be secured with a bolt and washer into a (presumably wood) rock-climbing wall. Since the holds need to never move, I imagine they will be secured with an impact-driver and socket-wrench. This requires hex bolts, which can be sharp when falling off of a wall. Therefore the holds are made already-countersunk. There are 3 types of output: holds, molds, and tray. Holds are designed to be 3D printed at 100% infill. The molds are designed to be 3D printed in silicone (or other flexible material), filled with a resin, cured, and then removed from the mold. The tray is desinged to be printed with low infill of PLA/ABS, poured with a light coating of silicone or latex to make a flexible mold. The mold is then removed from the tray, coated with release agent, filled with resin, cured, and then removed from the tray. The holds will then need to be drilled and counter-sunk to make space for the bolt and socket wrench. When using this program in OpenSCAD, a suggested filename is provided in the console, which reflects the most important parameters used when creating the STL files. To compy it, highlight the output, right-click, and then select “copy”. Ctrl-C will not work in Windows. Nor can you interact with the console when the “save file” window is up.

Customizable Rock Climbing Hold 2Ed.
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$ 0.00 + free delivery
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 06
  • 0 parts
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Customizable Rock Climbing Hold 2Ed.
Delivery (May 05 - May 07)