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Remember Spirograph? Now available in 3d!Classic spirograph involves rotating one cog around the inside or outside of another fixed cog. A pen is used through a hole in the rotating cog to trace out a spirograph pattern.The spirograph vase extends this to the third dimension by extruding and twisting the spirograph pattern.The parameters describing the "rotating cog" radius, "fixed cog" radius and distance of the "pen" determine the shape and pattern of the walls of the vase - which can take on many forms. You can then twist the resulting pattern and raise to whatever height you require.Open in customiser to generate your own custom STL. Note the render time is slow, so wait for the render to complete before changing another field otherwise the result may not match what you have in the customiser.The vase shape and complexity is dependent on the ratio of the radius of the fixed to rotating cog, the number of turns and the distance of the virtual pen. Some settings will generate relatively simple, but attractive patterns, others will be highly complex. Experiment here to try things out quickly: number of nodes is dependent on the ratio of the fixed to rotating cog. If this ratio is integer then you'll only need one turn otherwise you'll need to increase "turns" to complete the pattern - however increasing it further will just trace out the same path.Fine precision and layer height will cause very slow render times - note the layer height does not need to be really fine to produce smooth curves. You can specify parameters which are not possible with a real spirograph such as the pen distance larger than the radius.Tips:

Customisable Spirograph Vase Generator
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$ 0.00 + free delivery
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 06
  • 0 parts
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Customisable Spirograph Vase Generator
Delivery (May 05 - May 07)