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(Update) - I have resized the pin hole a little larger than original. Intended for ABS prints, it seems to be shrinking more in the center than the outside. I'm not sure how this printed on PLA, if anyone has please share. The new ABS print files have new names and will be shown next to the listed pairs down below. This is an adapter for 45 rpm vinyls with an attached Bobble Ghsot with two sets of eyes in front and back. Bobble-Ghost (original) / Bobble-Ghost-1-ABS Bobble-Ghost-with-brim / Bobble-Ghost-2-ABS Bobble-Ghost-with-brim-and-lifter-hole / Bobble-Ghost-3-ABS Heres a video of the bobble ghost. I will try to get one on a record player soon. have a replicator 2x, so I'm using ABS filament. Anyone using PLA filament will have to toy with settings. If you're using an ABS printer, scale +1%, input into makerware would be 101.0% The .thing file will come with two parts, the body which includes the ghost and base, and then the support peice. Do not turn on support in slicer settings, there is no need in my design. These are my settings for ABS Left Extruder : 230 degrees celsius (dissovlable filament) Right Extruder: 230 degrees celsius HBP: 115 degrees celsius Layer Resolution: .30mm Shells: 2 Infill: 25% - 75% Print Speed : Best to print at slow speeds 40mm/s or less

45 - RPM Vinyl Adapter Bobble Ghost (Updated)
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45 - RPM Vinyl Adapter Bobble Ghost (Updated)
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)