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So my wife is a writer and she usually participates in NanoWrimo every year. For those that don’t know, NanoWrimo, stands for national novel writing month and in the month of November, participants attempt to write at least 50,000 words of a novel. She has a great time every year and has “won” several years in a row. This year she was the regional chairman and oversaw all activities and get-togethers for the writers in the area during the month. I decided it would be cool to make a trophy that we could hand out to all those that won at their final party/celebration event. I modeled the trophy around the NanoWrimo logo and placed “winner” and “2014” in the base to differentiate winners from various years (if we make this an ongoing thing). We weren’t sure how many had won before we showed up to the party but figured it was around 3 or 4. I printed out 4 and painted them gold, and we wound up having just enough at 4. I regret not taking pictures of the event or the bestowal of the trophies but suffice it to say all were impressed and intrigued by the 3D printed trophies (it was first contact of a 3D printed item for many of them). We have a friend that lives up north who also won this year which we plan to print one out for her and send it her way. Once I print out another I’ll snag a picture and update this page. It is likely a little late at this point for any other 2014 conclusion parties, but if there is anyone out there that participated, or knows someone that participated, and won then congratulate them on their accomplishment and print them out a trophy as extra reward for their hard work! Prints with no supports needed. I printed at 150% scale for the trophies and it turned out great. Rep 2 printed with PLA, 2 shells, 15% infill and a layer of gold metal paint after the fact.

NaNoWriMo 2014 winners trophy
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NaNoWriMo 2014 winners trophy
Delivery (Sep 24 - Sep 26)