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This is the wooden parts for a a router, with a stackable design that stacks onto the Ultimaker. This is just an early draft, as some dimensions need to be changed, like the diameter of the X-axis shafts. If you feel the need to make/adapt this design, here are some brief routing descriptions. The drawing is laid out for cutting with a 3 and 5 mm flat tip end mill. Some layers in the dxf have a numeric prefix, follow this sequence for the routing order. I usually fix the parts to the routing table with a few screws in the first holes layer. Reference the drawing to make sure you fix each part at a safe place.This thing is based on the plans of both the Ultimaker 3d printer (thing:8563) and the mantis-30 router (thing:6115), which in itself is a derivative of the mantis design by David Carr is a work in progress, I intend to increase the size of the axis shafts, add some construction for a hinged front/top and various other things before I make a complete prototype.

UltiRouter v0.1
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UltiRouter v0.1
Delivery (May 04 - May 06)