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After having problems with jpearce's safety razor, I decided to try and fix it. After a few days of tinkering with it, I decided to address many of the design issues, practically reworking the entire thing from scratch. I give you my Koffin-Top safety razor. I liked the results so much, I use it every time I shave now. I hope you like it! See it in action and learn more here: Read the instructions for updates on this design!Update: as of 8/14/2014: Posted "perfect_handle_koffin_top.stl" scroll to the bottom for details. Update 7/17/2013: I have added updated versions of the "Big-E-Koffin-Top.stl" file: "Big-E-Koffin-Top_V2-Slim.stl" has a lower profile for a closer shave. "Big-E-Koffin-Top_V2-Regular.stl" has a similar profile to the original top. both these files are cleaned-up versions of the original, so you should use these new versions instead of the original "Big-E-Koffin-Top.stl" from now on. I am leaving up the original file, "Big-E-Koffin-Top.stl" for the sake of continuity, and for those who, for some strange reason, may prefer the original version. Items needed: an M3 nut and an M3 flat-top screw (M3x12 or M3x16 should do the job) Some files and sandpaper a hobby knife will help with removing support from the handle portion. Print the following files without support, at the highest resoulution you can, at 100% infill: Big-E-Koffin-Top (V2_Regular or V2_Slim) Big-E-Koffin-Top_Base I printed at High resolution on my Replicator 2, this works best. the files have been correctly oriented to print properly. Note as of 7/17/2013: I've found Skeinforge is better for the top, Makerbot Slicer does an okay job, but, as of late (since Ver.2.2 of makerware) leaves some paper thin edges that expose less of the blade and may affect the quality of your shave. You can try MBSlicer; you may like the results better. I just prefer to use Skeinforge. I find that 100% infill and 2-3 shells works great. Next, for the handle: Big-E-Handle_needs_support Print it as oriented, with raft and support turned on. Use the high-quality profile, as the supports will be removed more easily. this is the quickest way to print it. If possible, use ReplicatorG to print it instead for best results. It should be printed with at least 3 shells and a good amount of infill (25-50%) 100% infill isn't required, but will make for a really solid handle. BTW, I borrowed elements from the 11th Doctor's sonic screwdriver by TheNewHobbyist ( ) when designing the handle; It makes for a comfortable and beefy grip, much like most old school safety razors. Printing the "no-support" handle: Download and print the file named "Big-E_Handle_flat_bottom.stl", You can print it without support on most printers. It will have a flat spot on the handle, and should already be oriented correctly for printing. To fill in the flat spot, and make a nice, round handle, download and print the file named "Big-E_Handle_flat_fill.stl" with tthe same settings as the flat bottom handle. use some super glue to attach the fill piece to the flat spot on the handle. I still prefer printing the full handle with support, but I realise that some folks would rather print without it. You can always print the full "use support" handle upright, without support, but it will take longer to print, and may not be as strong as when printed on it's side. If you try this method, be sure to use as much infill as possible, and at the highest resolution you can. Now that I have cleaned up the model, it should be printable in this manner, without any random plastic strings or bits to clean up. Either method you choose, those that may have had issues with the original version of the handle should be able to print it now. If it's too much to print my handle, you can always use Jpearce's handle here, as it's compatible: Lastly, you can print the cover I included, it's a version of Arkatipe's safety razor cover ( ) scaled to fit the wider head of my razor design. I uploaded it here, already scaled for your convenience. Thanks to Jpearce, TheNewHobbyist and Arkatipe for your originals, without which my version of a safety razor would not be possible! Assemble like Jpearces razor. I like to add a drop or two of super glue to the nut once assembled, that way, the nut will stay put when disassembled later. I like to adjust the blade by it's sides before completely torquing down the screw. Once you get good at changing the blades, you will find you can do it without a screwdriver. Note as of 7/17/2013: I've just recently needed to print a new copy of the base and top. this is after 6 months of regular use. Over time, you may notice the blade's edge may pitch up in the middle, resulting in nicks. This is due to the plastic deforming and wearing over time. If you find you are nicking yourself more frequently, or the shave isn't as comfortable, despite changing the blade, it may be time for you to print a fresh base and top. 8/14/2014 my original handle broke, so it is time for a new one. Due to changes in slicers, I have posted "perfect_handle_koffin_top.stl", which should be printable in the straight up position, without support using most slicers (I do use a raft, however, to ensure it stays on the plate) I suggest medium quality (.2mm layer height) with 3 shells and 15% infill. If previous versions of the handle give you grief, give it a shot. If you make a derivative, please let me know prior to publishing it. Thanks!

Koffin-Top Safety Razor
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Koffin-Top Safety Razor
Delivery (May 05 - May 07)