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This is a replacement knob for the Einhell BT-SB 200 bandsaw (see e.g. [Amazon]( This is quite a cheap bandsaw, but suitable for a small hobby wood shop. I broke the knob that raises and lowers the guide, but was able to design and print this replacement. It works very well, and is quite a bit stronger than the original! Attribution: I actually remixed this from a "generic" knob thing on thingiverse, but had to modify the scad file to allow for double cuts in the axis, and going "through" to allow the spring loading from the other side.Pretty simple print, 0.3 layer, 15% infill PLA was strong enough for me.

Replacement knob for Einhell BT-SB 200 bandsaw
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Replacement knob for Einhell BT-SB 200 bandsaw
Delivery (May 22 - May 24)