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The Rancilio Rocky is one of the better (well built but not insanely pricey) upscale home espresso grinders on the market. It has at least one flaw, however: in the hopper is a dome-shaped plastic cap that helps guide beans into the grinder while protecting against the insane (attempting to insert fingers into hopper and grinding teeth while operating). This dome cap is screwed in with 3 screws which also hold the hopper itself atop the top half of the adjustable burr grinder hardware, so these screw heads need to be accessible for cleaning by disassembling hopper from upper burr set every few months. But the deep holes where the screws reside are JUST the right diameter for coffee beans (and not just peaberry, but any bean), so you end up with a few old stale beans residing therein. So, tired of having to either tweeze or use a screwdriver as an impact/drill to core these out, and get to the screw head, I came up with very simple friction-fit inserts to cover these holes. Now cleaning time is much easier. (Even the 'quick clean' months - just dropping in Grindz or some similar burr cleaner - won't end up with crap in these holes.) Parts couldn't be much simpler: cylinder with slight relief on bottom end for easy insertion. Flat 'bladed' grip with a little concavity for better grasp. Blend between the two for strength. Single very small flat side - designed to be printed side-down for better strength. Suggest using 100% infill. Wouldn't want these to vibrate loose (if too light) and end up getting ground, although I made them long enough they shouldn't easily slip beneath the dome even if that were to happen. As pictured were printed in clear ABS (although I don't keep my filament dry, so its kinda frosty with moisture-induced bubbles).

Rancilio Rocky Grinder Dome Cover Bean Rejector, Mark I
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  • 0 inches x 0 inches x 0 inches
  • this product is 3D printed
  • 16 available colors
  • material is a strong plastic
  • free delivery by May 10
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Rancilio Rocky Grinder Dome Cover Bean Rejector, Mark I
Delivery (May 09 - May 11)