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An earring in the shape of Saturn with rings. Slice this using circular top shell so rings of the Saturn get a really nice surface that reminds me of the photos of the planet. It does take a bit of fiddling with slicer settings (extrusion width etc.) to avoid gaps in such a thin ring. Minimal infill (10 %) keeps the weight low. As you can see in the slicer picture, I print the top part separately from the bottom one, and then glue them together, to get a nice surface quality of the sphere overall. Supports are only used for the holder part. You will need to prin it with high resolution and low speed, it is small. It is also rather fragile. The printed part on the photo was only printed and glued together with supports removed, no other cleaning or processing.

Saturn earring
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Saturn earring
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)