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Here's something different: a 3D printed mezuzah case. A mezuzah case holds a special Hebrew prayer and is attached to doorposts of Jewish homes. This design lends itself to post printing painting since a variety of patterns can be easily painted on the raised squares. I've had good luck with the DecoColor line of fine line, opaque paint markers by Uchida.This design started out in Groboto for the basic case. I moved it to Cheetah3D to add the Hebrew letter "shin" and the squares. I learned a critical lesson that these additions needed to be combined using the boolean tool or else the print wouldn't look right.I used ReplicatorG to prepare the file, a MakerBot Replicator2 with the Replicator 2 slicing defaults and the following settings with white ProtoParadigm PLA to do the printing:Infill = 30% Layer Height = 0.200Feedrate = 40 Travel Feed = 55 Temperature = 220I used a raft with full support. This version took less than 2 hours to print. It used 17 gms of material to print and only 2 gms were support structure.Because this thing is long and skinny it has a tendency to warp. I ended up printing directly on the build plate without any blue tape and waiting for it to thoroughly cool before removing it. This gave the best results. Also the percent infill is important to strengthen the part and prevent micro splitting along the long axis.

Mezuzah Case with Squares
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Mezuzah Case with Squares
Delivery (May 08 - May 10)