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We all love sneakypoo's clamshell earbud holder, but my skullcandy earbuds just didn't fit. I wanted the cup to be about 20% longer, but scaling it in the z direction would have ovalized the pivot holes. I ended up printing a version 20% scaled up in all directions, but it ended up being just too big. Sadness.So, I decided to make a version that fit my needs, and while I was at it I improved (or tried to) the design in a few ways.1) 20% longer: now it fits my earbuds without feeling so huge in my pocket2) Eased up the overhangs on the core piece: now they are ~45 degrees max3) Swapped the pivot nubs for holes and vice versa. I had issues printing the clamshell pieces because the little pivot nubs would curl up and the nozzle would knock the whole thing off the print bed when it hit them. I swapped the design and it seems to have improved this a little, there is still a little bumping when the tops of the horizontal holes are being filled, but it's not as bad as previously. It also adds some visual interest to a two-tone print.Print the core with the cup facing up and with external support. Print the clamshell pieces with the holes up at the top.I did .1mm layers, 2 shells, 20% infill.Make sure to look at sneakypoo's original page for a critical tip on how to assemble the pieces without breaking them:

Earbud Holder Redux - 20% longer and more!
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Earbud Holder Redux - 20% longer and more!
Delivery (May 07 - May 09)